Saturday, June 23, 2007

Crazy itinerary

Okay... the Summer is half-way through. Which half? The work-half, definitely. The remaining weeks will be my vacation time. The highlight of this year is a 20-day trip to EUROPE!

My boyfriend and I decided to hit the European road again. This time, we will go to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Exciting, huh? See if I am tough enough to survive a crazy flight plan like this (translated to Champaign time):

6/25 (mon) Champaign to San Francisco
6/26 (tue) San Francisco to Hong Kong, arriving at 6PM
6/27 (wed) Hong Kong
6/28 (thu) Leaving Hong Kong at 11AM (midnight in HK)
6/29 (fri) Arriving Frankfurt at 3AM (10AM in Frankfurt)

Hope that I am still young and strong enough... I don't want to be fuzzy and sick when I am in Europe...

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