Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Snowy Day

From Snowy Day
I want to write down my experience last Sunday. Although it was not my first snowy winter, it was my very first time driving on snow (literally). Background: We had 4-6 inches snow overnight, which itself was not particular bad. I had experienced 4-6 inches snow in an hour. Some even told me they had experienced worse. But it was my first time winter driving experience.

Of course, you can imagine, my dark blue car had put a thick white jacket on that morning. (I should have taken pictures!!!) I wiped off the snow and warmed up the car. But then, since i left for church early (around 8.30am), the property management did not remove the snow on the traffic road yet. So, I drove on snow, a snowy white road. Pretty funny.

Actually, it was not very funny once I got out of the apartment complex. The traffic road was not completely cleared up, still had some snow and ice. And the lines were covered so it was hard to determine whether the car is within a lane. I believed I had several times stepping on the line. Everybody seemed to just follow the car ahead. Besides, there was still some snow on my windscreen. Visibility was low. Of course, I drove slowly. Such condition was already very challenging for a new driver like me.

The most scary part: my car skidded! It happened when I was making a left turn. I lost control of the car for a few seconds. The steering wheel seemed to turn in the way it like. My immediate reaction was to get hold of it. When I got it under control again, my car was already on the left lane. Fortunately, there was no car on the left lane, or behind me.

You can also imagine, skid is not something uncommon here. That morning, several of my friends had experienced skids. And I am told, there are more to come.

Now I am reading from the internet about winter driving. For the record, the weather here is not that bad, we have been around 20-30F. Compared to our folks in Austin TX, where the city was shut down after
days of ice storm, we are pretty good right here.


Do you know where is Bargram, Afghanistan? It is where my good friend, Pete, is now. He serves in the Air Force and was deployed over there 1 week ago.

Pete is my good friend from Austin. He was a junior when we met--we were in the operation management class. We became friends almost immediately and naturally. That summer, we went to Chicago (my very first time) where his brothers and sister lived. I remember we jogged on some "random" streets and we walked along the Lake. I guess I got to love Chicago since then.

When I told him I was going to UIUC for doctoral work, he told me that UIUC is just 15-min away from where his mom lives. Nice surprise. So after I came here, I actually went to his mom's house twice, when he was visiting. The first time was my first-ever Thanksgiving. I got to know his mom. Then was during his long road trip from Florida to Idaho. He finished his training in Pensacola, FL and moved base to Boise, ID. He drove by IL to see his family. It was during the Spring of 2006.

His younger brother came back from Iraq during the past Thanksgiving after a one-year deployment, now is his turn. I cannot help but thinking of their mom, who is such as kind and warm lady. Wish him and his family all the best.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

張宏艷 • 馬家輝








Saturday, January 13, 2007

Tiramisu Party

Tiramisu seemed to be the most-favored dish of the night.

To celebrate the end of Winter break(!), Koman and I made a dinner and invited Tiffany, Elizabeth, Issac, Jacky, and George to come over.

We had two appetizers: blue cheese & pear tartlets and mushroom spread (served with baguette). The appetizers tasted good and were a good kickoff of the dinner.Then, we had chicken cordon bleu. I think it is a rather complicated chicken dish. Thanks Koman for being in charge of that. I cannot imagine touching raw meat. (i was not afraid of doing that but developed this "sentiment" unconsciously...) We also had potatoes tuna pie. To go with the dishes, we had a drink made of grapefruit juice, ginger ale, and cinnamon.

Dessert time! We had tiramisu and it was surprising great. George was our guest-of-honor and he had tiramisu in a measuring cup. Very creative, huh?

I actually bought a bottle of brandy for making the tiramisu. I had never tried brandy before. Brandy is actually strong (40% alc. content) but sweat. Very tempting. To prevent me from drinking the brandy, Koman and I plan to make brandy dishes in our future gathering.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Some thoughts about tenure

It might be due to the sunny morning, I start feeling better today.

I talked with professor N, whose tenure clock is up this semester. But N never let tenure be a life/death thing and never let tenure be the purpose for research. Working together for over 1 year, our conversation seldom relate to tenure and publications. We spent hours debating contributions of our research, designing studies, analyzing data. We both think research is a fun thing to do. And the process is enjoyable despite that our project is not going anywhere so far.

I admire N very much. N encourages me to seize every learning opportunity now. It is because the time and opportunity to learn is very limited once I become an assistant professor. Assistant professors are expected to publish a number of good papers within (usually) 6 years. The number is no less than 4 for Marketing. I am not sure about Psychology but feel that it should be somehow doubled. "Time constraint + teaching + adjusting to new job/environment" makes learning difficult.

Two years ago, Felix reminded me of protecting my interests for research. He told me not to exhaust it by overworking because it will wilt. Felix's words became a word of wisdom to me. After knowing more about the tenure system, I even think that genuine passion for research needs to be defended. The genuine passion is based on the intrinsic satisfaction derived from learning and growth.

I am not sure if N would get tenure here, but I am sure N will remain happy, and passionate for research.

"Life is bigger than a tenure," N said.

Thanks Edwin for pointing out that I wrote *cease* every opportunity
in an earlier version. What a mistake!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Back to Champaign... (2)

回來後一直不敢給媽媽打電話,怕聽見媽媽的聲音便會哭。今早醒來,不知身在何方。空白的睡房牆壁、灰濛的天色... 即時不知所措哭起來。

上教會後跟朋友吃午飯,然後開車去買東西。在Meijer裏走來走去,腦袋很空洞,像是行屍走肉,對任何東西任何食物都提不起勁。Homesick 和 Jetlag 要負一定責任。

太誇張了吧!經已是第三次回家後再回來。不能想像現在感受到的emotional stress比辛苦工作時的壓力更甚。冷靜一點去想,其實也沒有什麼大不了啊。現在是工作和學習的時候,到下一個假期便再回家。

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Back to Champaign...




跟媽媽妹妹分別很不捨,離開男朋友更是無比的失落。每次回家後都感到 existential threat。「如果不能再見他們任何一個,我會恨自己一輩子... 」在東京跟男朋友分別,他陪我到最後一分鐘,他是飛機上最後上機的乘客。接下來三年多的人生都要與所愛的人相隔七千多里,幻想Attachment Theory 會給我一點解救:「我的attachment style是怎樣?這種別離之苦要受多久... 」當然沒有答案。

